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Tax relief for retirees

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Tax relief for retirees Exeprt from msn money article By Sandra Block, Kiplinger’s Full story is available on the msn money website State income tax: 3 percent to 5 percent State sales tax: 7 percent Estate tax/inheritance tax: no/no The Magnolia State offers a sweet income...
bay st. louis

BWSD to be honored for ‘Move’ program

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Story and photo obtained from The Sea Coast Echo.  View the full story here. By Cassandra Favre Bay-Waveland School District Superintendent Dr. Rebecca Ladner announced Monday that the school district will receive the Mississippi Association of Partners in Education 2014...
annie jones

Hancock County School District Teachers of the Year

Story and photo obtained from The Sea Coast Echo.  View the full story here. By Echo Staff Jan 28, 2014, 13:07 Hancock County School District has announced the teachers of the year for each of the schools and the district. Superintendent of Education, Alan Dedeaux commented, “We...
cost of housing hancock county ms

Coast enjoying second-home boom

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Coast enjoying second-home boom by Lisa Monti Published: January 10,2014 in Mississippi Business Journal The Mississippi Coast, especially the western portion, is seeing a boom in the second-home market, which is returning after a post-Katrina dry spell. Louisianians from New...
keeping life sweet

“Keeping life sweet in the Bay”

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“Keeping life sweet in the Bay” is the creative mission statement for one of the newest businesses in Old Town Bay St. Louis and its opening has created a bit of a “sugar buzz” around town. Read more from the Sun Herald here
hancock county superintendents

Education superintendents meet at INFINITY

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The new MS Superintendent of Education, Dr. Carey M. Wright, met with superintendents from throughout the region today, hosted by Hancock County School District Superintendent Alan Dedeaux at INFINITY Science Center in Hancock County. Becky Ladner, superintendent of the...
bay st louis property

Bay St. Louis voted one of the coolest small towns in the U.S.

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Bay St. Louis, MS (Population: 9,260) You might call Bay St. Louis the little town that could. Hurricane Katrina made final landfall near this Mississippi Gulf hamlet in 2005, lifting homes off foundations, crumbling bridges, leveling businesses, and killing 12 people in its...
retire here

Certified Retirement Community

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You’ve worked all your life for this moment. Retirement.
tax advantages

Tax Advantages

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Mississippi and Hancock County are tax-friendly when it comes to retirees.