Life just got better.
hancock relocation logo
retire here

Certified Retirement Community

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You’ve worked all your life for this moment. Retirement.
tax advantages

Tax Advantages

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Mississippi and Hancock County are tax-friendly when it comes to retirees.
The Pearl Hotel

Our Communities

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Welcome to Hancock County and the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, one of the South’s premier destinations.
Scenic Byways

Activities & Lifestyle

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In Hancock County, rarely a week passes without some sort of “don’t miss” community activity.
ms coast schools

Our Schools

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One of the highest graduations rates in MIssissippi over 84% college bound.
ms coast healthcare


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In order to provide exceptional medical services in our communities, as alliance was developed between Ochsner Medical Center and Hancock Medical Center.
cost of living

Cost of Living

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Let Your Money Go Farther Here
Bay St Louis Bridge

Relocation Resources

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Here’s a one-stop list of resources to make your move easier.